
General conditions of use

SaNoSi Productions SARL, with a capital of 46,000 euros, registered with the Chartres Trade and Companies Register under the number 484 665 187 00023, whose registered office is located at 2 route du Parc - 28 130 Maintenon - France, publishes the Video on Demand service (hereinafter "the Service"). 

The purpose of these general terms and conditions of use and sale (hereinafter referred to as "the General Terms and Conditions") is to define the terms and conditions under which SaNoSi Productions makes a catalogue of audiovisual programmes (hereinafter referred to as the "Programmes") available on the service to a public domiciled anywhere in the world, as part of a commercial video on demand streaming offer (direct viewing without downloading) 
- Video on Demand" (hereinafter referred to as "VOD"): refers to the pay-per-view programmes offered to Users of the Service.
- The term "Programmes": refers to all audiovisual content offered to Users of the Service. 
- The term "User" refers to any natural person domiciled anywhere in the world who has access to the Programmes for strictly private use on the Service.

The present General Terms and Conditions are in all respects in accordance with the regulations applicable to distance selling via the Internet and in particular with the provisions of articles L 111-1, L 113-3, L 121-18 et seq. of the French Consumer Code and articles 1369-1 and 1369-2 of the French Civil Code, as amended and/or introduced by law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the digital economy.

It is specified that the Programmes offered are available as long as they are visible on the Service. SaNoSi Productions may delete Programmes at any time.

These Terms and Conditions only govern the services offered online on the website.

1. Scope of application

1.1 A la carte service

Access to SaNoSi Productions' commercial offer through the service is reserved for Users who have read these General Terms and Conditions in their entirety prior to using the Service and who have accepted them without reservation.
Consequently, the User acknowledges that any order of a Programme and any publication of a comment or opinion on the Service implies unreserved acceptance of these General Conditions.
In the event of non-compliance by a User with these General Terms and Conditions, SaNoSi Productions reserves the right to refuse or cancel access to the Service. SaNoSi Productions reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time.
It is therefore the User's responsibility to refer to them each time he/she places an order on the application, in order to be aware of their latest version.

In accordance with the provisions of article 1369-1 of the French Civil Code :
- the present General Conditions may be kept by all persons visiting the service, by means of a computer record, and may also be reproduced by means of their printing;
- these General Conditions shall be applicable as long as they appear on the Service. If, after the date of their removal from the Service, these Terms and Conditions are still accessible via other Websites or by any other means, they will no longer be binding on SaNoSi Productions.

2. Identification of the Service Editor

The information relating to the identification of the Service Editor is as follows:
SaNoSi Productions, SARL with a capital of 46,000 Euros, registered with the R.C.S. of Chartres under the number 484 665 187 00023, whose head office is located at 2 route du Parc - 28 130 Maintenon - France, represented by its manager : Jean-Marie Gigon. 

Telephone number: +332 37 99 52 35  

Manager : Jean-Marie Gigon.

Website host: ViVapp. 
Address: Cité de l'innovation, 9 rue Auguste Rodin, bâtiment 25, 28 630 Le Coudray - France

3. Description of the Service

The Video on Demand Service by SaNoSi Productions gives access to the broadcasting, at the User's request, by streaming technique, of audiovisual programmes offered on the Service.

In the context of streaming, the User is informed that the quality of the streaming may vary depending on the type of connection he/she has.

4. Conditions of access to the Service

Access to the Service offered by SaNoSi Productions is reserved for Users throughout the world who are at least 18 years old and have legal capacity.

Any minor User acknowledges that he/she has obtained parental authorisation for the purpose of registering for the Service.
To access the Service, the User must necessarily go through the website

SaNoSi Productions reserves the right to refuse to accept a registration request for the Service if the information provided is incomplete, erroneous or misleading.

The User undertakes not to infringe upon the rights of third parties in the context of his registration.

All elements enabling the User to use the Service are personal and confidential. The User is entirely responsible for keeping the confidentiality of his/her access codes to access the Service, which he/she undertakes to keep secret and not to disclose in any form whatsoever.

Consequently, the User acknowledges that any connection or transmission of data made with his identifiers will be deemed to have been made by the User.

Any use of the User's identification elements is made under the User's sole responsibility. In the event of misuse or unauthorised use of the User's identification details, the User will not be held liable to SaNoSi Productions until SaNoSi Productions has received the information from the customer service department in the above-mentioned conditions.

5. Computer equipment required to access the Service

5.1 Hardware and connection requirements

Before accessing the Service, the User must check, under his sole responsibility, that his computer equipment has the minimum technical configuration mentioned below.

Software required: a browser such as Internet Explorer 7 or higher, Firefox3, Safari, Chrome. It is recommended that the latest versions of browsers be updated to ensure the service functions properly. 

Accepted operating systems: 
- to access the Service on a PC: Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
- to access the Service on a Mac (with Intel processor only): Mac OSX 10.7 and later

Minimum system requirements:
Graphics card: Nvidia or ATI
Processor: Core 2 duo minimum
Hard disk: sufficient free space to download the films / about 1GB for a 90-minute film
RAM memory: 2 GB

A high-speed Internet connection via ADSL or optical fibre is strongly recommended.

The purchase and download of programmes by the User on the applications can be done via the Wi-Fi network or mobile data. SaNoSi Productions cannot be held responsible for any additional costs incurred by the User's telephone operator as a result of downloading Programmes from its applications.

The User is informed that any modification of his software and hardware configuration may lead to a degradation or impossibility of using the Service.

5.2 Access to the videos :
a. General
The Service is accessed directly from the website
Access to the Service is provided on a permanent basis, subject to maintenance and servicing periods, server updating operations and any exceptional interruptions.
The content offered free of charge by SaNoSi Productions on the Service can be accessed by Users without the need to create a user account. 

b. Placing an order for paid content

Orders are placed in French or English.

The order process consists of several steps:
- The choice of rental / sale
- Connecting to an existing user account or filling in the identification elements for the creation of a user account
- The choice of the payment method
- The validation of the order

In the event of a previous dispute with a User, SaNoSi Productions reserves the right not to contract with him/her for future orders.

c. Delivery of the order for paid content

After the automated and secure processing of the client's order, the client has the possibility to access the paid content of the Service

If, for any reason whatsoever, Users are unable to use the Service and view the programmes, they may contact the customer service department at the address indicated in Article 9 hereof.

6. Territories

The Streaming Service may only be used by persons residing in the authorised territories: the whole world. 

SaNoSi Productions reserves the right to use geographical filtering to restrict the visibility of certain content to certain territories. 
If the territory from which the User tries to view a content offered by SaNoSi Productions on the Service is not one of the authorized territories, the User will be informed and the Streaming Service will not be accessible for the content concerned.

7. Prices and Payments

7.1 Prices

The prices of the paid contents offered to the User will be available on the website

The prices indicated are expressed in euros including all taxes (TTC) and including French VAT. Prices may be changed at any time by SaNoSi Productions without notice. The Service will therefore be invoiced on the basis of the price in force on the date of the order.

7.2 Terms of payment

Orders are paid for online on the website and the application using the following payment methods: Carte Bleue, Visa, Mastercard, E-Card. 

To this end, the User shall provide his card number and expiry date for each order.
No banking data is stored by SaNoSi Productions or on the application.
Payment is made in euros.

8. Personal data

SaNoSi Productions complies with Regulation 2016/679, the so-called General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applicable from 25 May 2018, which means:

That the User has the possibility of requesting the deletion of all of his personal data as well as the information relating to his orders on the Service (which are subject to electronic archiving by SaNoSi Productions for the duration of registration of the User to the Service), by email to the address contact[at]

Only if the User has accepted or requested it, SaNoSi Productions may send and/or have sent by its service providers to the User, by e-mail, commercial information allowing the client to better know the services offered by SaNoSi Productions.

SaNoSi Productions also reserves the right to use and communicate such information to third parties, in particular to market research firms and polling institutes, exclusively for the purpose of research and analysis, or to any third party companies, whether or not they are service providers, in the context of joint or separate commercial operations.

The confidential information collected about the User by SaNoSi Productions at the time of registration is intended to be used by SaNoSi Productions to manage the User's orders and is subject to computer processing.

In this respect, it is specified that the User has the right to object to the commercial communication of such communications in accordance with the applicable regulations by sending an e-mail to the address mentioned in article 9 of the present contract.

In accordance with article 34 of the law relating to data processing, files and freedoms of 6 January 1978, modified by the law of 6 August 2004, the User has a right of access as well as a right to additional information, rectification and, if necessary, opposition on the data concerning him/her.

The User may exercise the aforementioned rights by sending an e-mail to the Data Protection Officer, Mr. GIGON Jean-Marie, at the following address: contact[at]

9. Customer service and technical support

For any information, SaNoSi Productions' customer service is available at the following e-mail address: contact[at] and at the following telephone number: +332 37 99 52 35

10. Intellectual Property

The Programmes viewed by the User are digital files protected by national and international provisions on copyright and related rights.

The use of the Programmes is subject to the provisions of article L. 122-5 1° and 2° of the Intellectual Property Code, i.e. strictly limited to private use within the family circle. Private use within a strictly family context excludes in particular any collective and/or public representation and/or broadcast. The editing, lending, exchange, reproduction, duplication, transmission and distribution of all or part of the Programmes are also strictly prohibited.

This service respects copyright. All rights of the authors of the protected works reproduced and communicated on this site are reserved. Unless authorised, any use of the works other than individual and private consultation is prohibited.

Any offender is liable to criminal and/or civil penalties.

The User undertakes not to circumvent or undermine the technical control of the software required to use the Service, nor to encourage third parties to carry out such acts.

The authorisation to use the Service, granted to the User free of charge for free content or in return for payment for paid content, does not confer any intangible property rights, which remain reserved to their authors and beneficiaries. In particular, the user is not authorised to, in whole or in part, copy, reproduce, translate, extract, modify and/or create any elements derived from any component of the Service.

In addition, all content and more generally all elements (including but not limited to names, trade names, trademarks, images of all kinds, logos, etc.) accessible within the framework of the Service remain the exclusive property of their respective owners, namely any rightful claimant concerned, and are individually protected, where applicable, by the legislation in force on copyright and the international conventions in force.

11. Obligation of the User

The User is allowed to use the Service for personal use. It is forbidden to use the Service for professional, commercial and/or promotional purposes. SaNoSi Productions is not liable for any use of the Service that does not comply with these conditions.
The User guarantees that he/she will use the Service in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and is liable for any recourse, action and/or claim of any kind that may arise from persons claiming literary and artistic property rights over the works in the event of use that does not comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

12. Warranty and liability

SaNoSi Productions cannot be held responsible for any malfunction and/or interruption in the provision of the service related to or resulting from a case of force majeure.

SaNoSi Productions does not provide access to the Internet. Consequently, SaNoSi Productions cannot be held responsible for the malfunctioning and/or inadequate provision of Internet access services, and cannot be held responsible for any indirect, incidental and/or consequential damages resulting from or related to the operation of the Internet.

SaNoSi Productions cannot be held responsible for the disappearance, loss, or deterioration of data, and in particular for any damage that may affect the User's computer equipment.

Hyperlinks may lead to other websites. SaNoSi Productions shall not be held liable if the content of said sites contravenes the legal and/or regulatory provisions in force.

SaNoSi Productions shall not be held liable in the event of non-compliance with the legislation of the country where the Programmes are broadcast.

13. Termination

SaNoSi Productions reserves the right to close Users' accounts in the event of
- insolvency
- actions that contravene the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code
- failure of the User to comply with any of the obligations incumbent upon him/her under the present General Terms and Conditions.
Furthermore, you may unsubscribe from the service's newsletters at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in each of these emails.

14. Right of withdrawal
Pursuant to Article L.221-28 of the French Consumer Code, the User expressly accepts that the Services provided by SaNoSi Productions begin immediately after his/her purchase of the à la carte Service, i.e. before the end of the 14-day period stipulated by the French Consumer Code. The User therefore acknowledges that he/she waives the right to withdraw from the online or distance selling service and undertakes not to make any request for reimbursement or cancellation in relation to the Service.

15. Applicable law and settlement of disputes

These General Conditions shall be governed by French law and any dispute that cannot be settled by compromise shall be brought before the courts.