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03/11/2023 à 00:00

After his feature-length documentary Libre, selected at the Cannes Film Festival in 2018, Michel Toesca takes up the camera again to film the journey of Cédric Herrou and Marion Gachet as they set up the first Emmaus farming community in the Roya Valley. The series explores the difficulties and successes encountered by Cédric and Marion, as well as by all the companions in the valley.

The series concludes with a bonus episode entitled "L'esprit de la Loi" (The Spirit of the Law), which looks back at the five-year legal proceedings against Cédric Herrou. 

For its launch, and with a view to distributing works in a different way, the series will be available for free between November 3rd and December 3rd on our SaNoSi.Live platform!



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